A las orillas del Rio Notus habita Serpintea guardiana del espiritu Lobo de Notus
Notus junto a su hermano Novus fueron dos de los más grandes heroes en la epoca de Decadencia del Micro Universo, gracias a ellos Murdamain no se ahogo para siempre y asi evitaron la extincion de la vida en el Micro Universo. Serpintea y Venistea eran deidades de Arbäs el Gran Arbol. Al ver las hazañas de los hermanos, justo cuando estaban a punto sacrificar sus vidas, decidieron salvar los espiritus de ambos convirtiendolos en Lobos. Serpintea junto a su alma gemela Venistea fueron juzgadas en el Gran Arbolpor su participacion directa en los problemas mortales, ellas decidieron escapar hacia Murdamain a cuidar de los espiritus de los Heroes. Raras veces se los ve por las orillas de sus respectivos Rios, pero los que viajan por esos riscos aseguran que alli está todavia.
On the banks of the Notus river, dwells Serpintea guardian of the spirit Wolf of Notus
Notus and his brother Novus were two of the greatest heroes in the era of decadence of Micro Universe, thanks to them Murdamain didn’t drawn forever and so prevent the extinction of life on the Micro Universe. Serpintea and Venistea were deities of Arbas the Great Tree. Seeing the feat of the brothers, just as they were about to sacrifice their lives, they decided to save the spirits of both turning them into Wolfs. Serpintea with his soul mate Venistea were judged at the Great Tree for direct involvement in the mortal affairs, they decided to escape to Murdamain to care for the spirits of the Heroes. Rarely are seen along the banks of their rivers, but those who travel for those cliffs say that they are still there

A las orillas del Rio Novus habita Venistea guardiana del espiritu Lobo de Novus
Novus junto a su hermano Notus fueron dos de los más grandes heroes en la epoca de Decadencia del Micro Universo, gracias a ellos Murdamain no se ahogo para siempre y asi evitaron la extincion de la vida en el Micro Universo. Venistea y Serpintea eran deidades de Arbäs el Gran Arbol. Al ver las azañas de los hermanos, justo cuando estaban a punto sacrificar sus vidas, decidieron salvar los espiritus de ambos convirtiendolos en Lobos. Venistea junto a su alma gemela Serpintea fueron juzgadas en el Gran Arbol por su participacion directa en los problemas mortales, ellas decidieron escapar hacia Murdamain a cuidar de los espiritus de sus Heroes. Raras veces se los ve por las orillas de sus respectivos Rios, pero los que viajan por esos riscos aseguran que alli están todavia.
On the banks of the Novus river, dwells Venistea guardian of the spirit Wolf of Novus
Novus and his brother Notus were two of the greatest heroes in the era of decadence of Micro Universe, thanks to them Murdamain didn’t drawn forever and so prevent the extinction of life on the Micro Universe. Venistea and Serpintea were deities of Arbas the Great Tree. Seeing the feat of the brothers, just as they were about to sacrifice their lives, they decided to save the spirits of both turning them into Wolfs. Venistea with his soul mate Serpintea were judged at the Great Tree for direct involvement in the mortal affairs, they decided to escape to Murdamain to care for the spirits of the Heroes. Rarely are seen along the banks of their rivers, but those who travel for those cliffs say that they are still there
Novus junto a su hermano Notus fueron dos de los más grandes heroes en la epoca de Decadencia del Micro Universo, gracias a ellos Murdamain no se ahogo para siempre y asi evitaron la extincion de la vida en el Micro Universo. Venistea y Serpintea eran deidades de Arbäs el Gran Arbol. Al ver las azañas de los hermanos, justo cuando estaban a punto sacrificar sus vidas, decidieron salvar los espiritus de ambos convirtiendolos en Lobos. Venistea junto a su alma gemela Serpintea fueron juzgadas en el Gran Arbol por su participacion directa en los problemas mortales, ellas decidieron escapar hacia Murdamain a cuidar de los espiritus de sus Heroes. Raras veces se los ve por las orillas de sus respectivos Rios, pero los que viajan por esos riscos aseguran que alli están todavia.
On the banks of the Novus river, dwells Venistea guardian of the spirit Wolf of Novus
Novus and his brother Notus were two of the greatest heroes in the era of decadence of Micro Universe, thanks to them Murdamain didn’t drawn forever and so prevent the extinction of life on the Micro Universe. Venistea and Serpintea were deities of Arbas the Great Tree. Seeing the feat of the brothers, just as they were about to sacrifice their lives, they decided to save the spirits of both turning them into Wolfs. Venistea with his soul mate Serpintea were judged at the Great Tree for direct involvement in the mortal affairs, they decided to escape to Murdamain to care for the spirits of the Heroes. Rarely are seen along the banks of their rivers, but those who travel for those cliffs say that they are still there